The Register from Santa Ana, California (2024)

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Santa Ana, California

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SBstfcauti I 7 '( n'v ft a A' I Gardening Is Dynamic Role or Modern Woman I amily garden living in sub urbia is an outgrowth of the dy namic role played by modem women in our society according duct clinics at which home piant less It definitely improves the tng problems are discussed Gar value of the property however den clubs are flourishing as nev in planting the home property i er before State extension serv irtrf nnoor av ivrft div nutans VA panding their informational ac tivities to the American Association of Nurserymen amily garden liv ing provides a socially accepted way of life with full opportunity for expressing creative talents while it has complete ap proval of family and neighbors who appreciate and enjoy the re sulting beauty of the home prop erty There is a vast demand for planting and general garden in formation while professional ad vice is eagerly sought Many nurseries and garden centers con Most leading nurseries will lay out a progr am of home planting including a garden living room for outdoor dining and entertain ing The planting program can be accomplished at once or can be done over a period of years to spread the investment Many mistakes 'are avoided by planting according to plan rather than hit or miss plantings Another ad vantage is that planting by plan costs no more and may even be visual beauty is of paramount concern just as it is with in terior decorating indoors Com fort also is highly important There should be at least one beautifully planted area for fam ily relaxation and dining and en tertaining of neighbors and friends A succession of bloom increases the pleasure of both family and neighbors with the planting lowering trees shrubs including roses and evergreens of various sizes provide a variety of foliage and bloom as well as highly necessary privacy Plants can be set out which require a minimum of maintenance In fact if it weren't for mowing the lawn a garden could be planted which would require very little mainte nance except at fairly long peri ods or this reason alone a good nurseryman's advice is important when choosing shrubs and trees It can save both work and money One thing is certain The vast growth of family garden living largely is due to the women of America who apparently will not rest until they have transformed the sparsely planted suburban home plot into a wholesome nat ural environment of trees and shrubs of which both family and neighbors are proud CIO The REGISTER Santa Ana Cal Wed July 13 1960 Jlu'ougJt the P't 5W kjardcii Ljate XMwk A Mg llloral Mams Iofr fen YoW TMw TVtXJRGARPENWIWWLEG6E0H TWggg SlXOUESWtfS PREPARED BY THE MAKERS DUST 1 PAWN THE EEST TIME TO SELECT R0SS3P0R A in indoor use true cw false ROSE P1SEASES ARE SETTER CONTRO LEP 5PRAMN5 JUST BEORE RAIN TRME ORA44SE? 3 TRUE 0UL05 ARE GREATLY EMUAKGEP BUDS? 4 MULCHES ARE USED ON ROSES WINTER TO The sound of waterfalls splash ing over rocky brinks and fems greeted the hundreds of persons attending the lower show open ing yesterday at the Orange States Government open' acres and acres of government1 land used by ranchers as range land the name "scissor bill" was' given the settlers who arrived by DISCOURAGE TRUE OR ALSE? 5 WHEN CUTTING BACK ROSES IN SPRING CUTTWE WEAKER STEMS SACK MORE THAN THE STRONG ONES TRUE OR ALSE? 4 6 CHEMICAL WEEDKILLERS ARE USUALLY GARDEN SPOT had VAGABOND GARDENER Describes Ideal JosePhine Loved Roses And So Do The rench Ground Cover air lower Show is a oirn rnai rouows inn plow and so when the United Among these were one cent itself rench capital run Tuesday areas whor* plants I uiiafr iLam (La AnmnAiie Proper Care Encourages Lawns let clippings lie lath and riendship lowers Top American Horticulturist flower Plans Japan Seed Trade Trip and 3 butter Then spread with sweet with salt water Very SPECIAL PRICE HARVEY'S Garden timn GIVE MY BOSS A CALL 5 NURSERY King awn Quit PLUMBER she now has a return to Paris greenhouses Elimination to the flower show is a live version of the which heads her The show inside the valid next its of desirable for even fine turf The Ro versatile on rough It's a long stretch in lime and of space from a well organized and worthwhile county fair to the coming of the scissor bills in Northern Montana The scissor hill 4 Bird that nlJnivc ihn thing to do is nurseryman as cover is suited is a Club Events What to Plant petals and foliage with that arrived over the air froni the nation's newest Hawaii the great roving herds come into yards around which also were on the To keep them out you 3 DAYS ONLY CORRECT Q'S'z'Z' irvxi a flat surface Tall Turf grass glow taller has advantages Adelaide in south Australia is surrounded by a "green belt" of 1770 acres of parklands and cus one one as a con plant Then there was the pretty the very young and the very well off financially widow and! hpr Inn vniinrr hi14vesM is VIIHUKIJ ILUlllj Chicago who planned to file a claim and having no where to stay bought a tent walls hung with Oriental and the theatrical stock company of but there are other stories and perhaps no one would care to hear them as well as Mr Lewis were a large summer kitchen they moved their "furni staying until their shack Garden Supplies Costa Mesa's Only roots In roots find mois flower a replica of which heads "Through the 5 I Roses of the world vie for the famed gold medals offered in this international competition Rose growers from Western Europe in cluding the British Isles of course and America send their numbered seedlings to Paris for these two years tests been lucky enough to visit the gardens on and off since 1950 and knew what to expect Stan os in his own experimental gar dens was shocked I wondered what went through the mind of Clarence Perkins when he visit ed the spot for the roses in the fest gardens are about the equal to our number and number here in California! It is not lack of care let me hasten to add but just the fact that the cold winters of Paris prevents the nice lush growth which we enjoy here at home Our own official All America Rose Test Trials up and down the Coast make the fabled rench test plants look like skinny under fed kids The plants apparently take such a beating from the cold winters that they rarely get above the 24 to 30 inch mark It all goes to prove that Cali fornia is one of the best rose Gardening Tips Hower eatures ian style for the Pirate Queen pageant Tuesday Hilo Hattie and Her Hawaiian Revue a free nightly variety show set for the am phitheater stage appears for the first time Wednesday night ree vacation trips to Honolulu are being given daily during the six day fair One trip is to be giv en away each day through Sun day air officials commercial and competitive exhibitors conces sionaires and even the general public fair officials hope will dress in the casual style of The Islands for the entire run of the fair The big show opens daily from 10 am Io 10 pm Main entrance is off air Drive an improved and widened thorougfare running eastward from Harbor Blvd to the "new" Newport Blvd which also has been improved and con verted into a divided highway Register Garden Page readers feel "right at home" at this Orange County air which opened a six day in Costa Mesa Entrance to the show attraction is the garden gate Marah Adams Garden Gate" column twice week ly in The Register Harry Macros whose decora tive and design genius has pro duced the annual show as part of the fair since 19 19 dedicates and of debris large slug summer with in chlordane heptachlor and others oldest working newspaperwomen (in time of active service) in the United States Mrs Adams who admit her age for publication proudly confesses to 51 years of activ duty as a working member of the press She has been on the staff of Tlie Register for 33 years through three different owner ships and she has served this paper as garden editor for at least 26 years rntiy through "garden column Moral Pavilion however reflects the general Hawaiian theme of the 1960 fair Centerpiece of the show is a tropical isle created by Macres and his wife Josephine staging manager for the show in which a 14 foor high waterfall festooned with ferns flowers and peat moss is the key item SALES SERVICE DEALER Liberty 8 28052115 Harbor Blvd TRIM OTEN If you have a low growing boxwood hedge remember that boxwood can suffer great dam age if pruned back heavily at any one time Prune lightly and often are car trainloads to file claims on dry land farms of 320 acres The coming of the settlers was quite unsettling to the ranchers and the residents of a town" on lhe Milk River wiih its 200 residents its five saloons preferred wi stern ways and toms or generations the caiile had the range Sometimes strays from might homes range could build a fence you? The settlers were met at trains by surveyors and locators for claims They brought with them their suitcases Their household furniture and farm implements weie on the wav in freight cars over the main line of the Great Northern Railway Rig buttons with slogans "Montana or Me 320 Acres ree" were worn by many of lhe incoming new resi dents and by the locators The settlers brought wiih them a number of things not approved by the old residents of the conn pieces A new romer going in a general store bought a box of matches offering three pennies for the lxx which sold two for five cents The clerk walked to lhe door and casually tossed the coins never used in that part of the country in the street dusted his hands and said "Mister we use that kind of stuff There was real suffering for many of those crowding (he limit ed housing facilities of tlie town And that is how I grew to know for a few short months Mrs Lewis Husband John going to the one hotel in the town came across Mrs Lewis a woman of about 6R or 70 in the lobby of the hotel where she had sat all night in a straight backed chair after two days travel from the stale of Iowa in a day coach She looked so tired and discouraged that he brought her home and later Mrs Lewis given where turc" was built on their 320 acre dry land farm All the way from her midwest ern home Mrs Lewis had carried a glass jar of "starter" Starter w'as valued material for starting a batch of bread Until their furniture arrived the Lewises were established in an upstairs bedroom eating meals with us After their few pieces of shabby furniture arrived Mrs Lewis her dark eyes glowing one day brought me a vinegar pie It was made with vinegar instead of lemon juice and minus' eggs! Her husband was forging ahead he hojx'd with never a thought of her unhappiness at leaving her married children and their families several thousand miles away and a thousand miles really were a distance say in 1911 But Mrs Lewis read her Bible baked her bread made her vinegar pies and prepared with stoic patience to move to a shack on desolate acres of land Many 01 me snacKS alter Doing com pleted were quietly removed by no one know just who but mat 01 air Lewis wno Kept a firm hand on everything along with Mrs Lewis motes deeper weather long ture easier In summer They add mulch to hold mois ture and also yeild organic mat ter to improve soil The type of used affects your progress Reel type mowers are surfaces and tary is more ground A rotary mower needs sharpening more frequently Dull blades bruise grass and leave an unsightly brown tipped lawn Always consider safety Keep feet and hands away from blades let children play nearby when using rotary mow ers The speeding blades can throw an object they hit several hundred feet Edging Saves Trimming Edging lawns and flower beds saves trimming work Dig a sim ple trench and form the metal or plastic strips to fit the border you Edging also keeps grass out of paths and beds Disease and insects in lawns can be controlled secticides such as aldrin Apply by fertilizer spreader or sprayer to kill grubs and soil pests that damage grass roots ungus is another matter Ask your local garden center to pre scribe proper treatment Your garden center generally knows the local situation best Check with them for advice on specific local problems to keep a healthy and attractive lawn Dandelions Make ine Sandwiches County air at the airgrounds at Costa Mesa Pools of clear waler framed by thousands and thousands of flow ers grown in Southern California brush those ways stale Those who never have made a trip to tlie Islands may see per haps for the first time the deep crimson of the ginger torch lily one of tlie many rare tropical ivlants in bloom that were flown here for the air Australian tree fems a great staghorn fem of unusual proportions and many other members of lhe fern fam ily provide cool green back grounds for the brilliant colors The displays are under lhe di rection of Mr and Mrs Harry Macres in irst lilting summer the soil is shaded and water loss reduced Also less work for you And thick tall turf slands adverse weather rough use better Water is important When apply at least an inch soak soil four inches deep if the water is Merely sprinkling en growing spots in the world Our seasons with 300 days of good growing weather plus fertile soil are the secrets behind our successful roses On the other hand the warm region in Southern rance around Nice is considered one of the best spots in the world for the breeding of new roses where lhe famous rose Peace was bom by the But lest this sound like a Cali fornian looking down his nose at foreign roses let me hasten to add that the colors of the rench roses were especially brilliant and the perfume very heavy Perhaps this is one reason why rench perfumes are famous tho world over! Incidentally the wrinkle on buying rench per fumes is to pay for them with checks That way you enjoy a 20 per cent discount Over on the other side of town towards Orly Airport a garden which every rose fancier in the world should visit the birthplace of all modem roses It was started by Josephine beautiful empress who preferred to stay home and collect roses assist rose special ists of that day and sponsor the efforts of worthy people dedicated to the rose A collection of rose with the greatest though that esteemed lady patron ized this artist two and a half cen turies ago What Josephine did was send out the word that she wanted all the known roses of the world at that time gathered into one vast collection They were brought to Paris and many of them even came by barge from points as distant as Egypt grouped in care fully planned beds where they would show off to the greatest advantage There's a fine little rose mu seum established there in con nection with the garden A visit ing American could easily spend an entire day or more brousing through the museum and the gardens themselves Also rating high with us were visits to neighborhood open air flower markets one vir tually in front of Notre Dame cathedral which features the prod nets of a 100 merchants thing from flat grown annuals to Austrian pines carefully balled and burlaped The whole fair is very colorful and very lively and it's a good place to see the mid dle class renchmen securing plant materials for dressing up their gardens Strawberry tests: Right on top the Eiffel Tower we taste tested strawberries They were of good size about the size of field grown strawberries here at home but they somehow had a sweeter taste than ours or the Dutch greenhouse forced kinds So far rench straw berries rate the best (Wonder how they'll compare with the famed ones grown around Kent in Eng land?) Next stop: Switzerland By NORVELL GILLESPIE Editor's note: Gillespie the world's most travelled garden writer rcjxirts from rance to day Some straight from the trowel provocative comments on rench roses follow Paris in the summer means warm weather and lots of roses The last of the famed chestnut blooms were dropping on the Champs Elysees a sight I had planned and promised Mary Hayes Since summer came early this year excuse to spring But the never looked so prosperous You see almost nothing but new bright ly colored automobiles Traffic is worse than ever A life is nothing Women are as chic as ever but alas all the girls have adopted those en ormous mop hair do's which look like beehives But this is a column on roses Anyone interested in roses in Paris immediately heads for the world famed Bagatelle Rose Test Gardens in the Bois de Boulogne a mere ten minutes from the Arc de Triomphe that birds a worry!) Wild strawberry will do well anywhere in California except for the hottest dryest interior areas On the coast it takes full sun part shade or a beach house it makes an excellent lawn substitute as it can be used to bind the sand on vi ind swept teaches Dichondra thrives in a therefore this is a good time to start it from flats following up with copious watering Your nurseryman will gladly show you how to divide the matted dichondra into clumps and tell you how far apart to plant it for quickest coverage of total area you wish to cover Dichon dra needs infrequent mowing and does test in sun Its pebble like dark green leaves are like min iature lily pads In mild cli mates due to its attractiveness dichondra is frequently used as a "pinch for lawns Because of the difficulty in mowing banks or around rocks it is often desirable to use a ground cover of more or less uneven growth habit These types grow in a manner and so require no only an occasional clipping or such sit uations ivy geraniums are bard to teat Besides their deep evergreen ivy leaf they provide bright flowers over a long sea son In relatively dry places where water retention is difficult Point Reyes ccanothus makes a dense undulating evergreen mat with a profusion of little laven dcr blue fragrant flowers small rounded clusters Numerous ground covers ready to spread their magic pets Philadelphia Pa which is thelargest mail order seed house in1 the world The company main tains branches in Clinton la and 3i Riverside Calif The Philadelphiahorticulturist has maintained hl close contact with the Japanese1 seed industry throughout the years A strong advocate of peo hi ple to people programs to pro mote friendship and understand ijjing among nations Burpee has sponsored Japanese horticuliural 3 1 students for entrance to Ameri 1 can schools and has employed them in his company during their 3 1 apprenticeships "The Japanese are doing a top 8 iob in horticultural research to day and I am accepting the kind Is invitation of mv manv npixnnai: PLUMBING '313 KI 13915 MagitCarpef Two other waterfalls numer ous streams and pools tropical greenery glass shacks tiki gods and palms fill out the flower show in good Hawaiian style Macres has gone all out on the Hawaiian theme by creating a giant lei made of fresh flowers used in the "official of the fair for press photographers The huge lei measuring more than 21 feet in circumference is believed Io be the larg est floral lei Tlie Hawaiian Pesky Slugs Cause Great 1 Garden Damage 1 Recent studies of slugs and their habits reveal that prac tically every florieultural crop is injured to some extent Although over 25 different kinds of slugs have teen studied only a few are consistently injurious According to Al Holland Uni 1 versify of California farm advisor in Orange County a few holes In leaves of plants will often de stroy the looks and "sales ap A program for slug con trol should be followed 1 Slugs prefer to live in cool moist places Under debris old pots and in weeds arc ideal places for large slug populations They prefer to feed during the cool moist evening hours rather than during the heat of the day Slug damage is no! always con fined to the leaves of plants Some slugs will burrow into the soil and feed upon the roots and stems Control of slugs has teen ef fective with malerials containing metaldehyde The most effective formulations include the 15 jxr eent metaldehyde dust and liquid metaldehyde products Baits con taining this poison are effective during a short period of time but tend to mold and become unat tractive Destroying slugs through hand picking is beneficial in small houses helps discourage populations to grass is wilting too lawns in the baking until late afternoon to moisture loss arm Bureau Names Regional ield Secretary Bryant A Chandler Riverside has taken over the job of regional field secretary for the California arm Bureau ed eration in Orange Imperial River side San Bernardino and San Diego Counties Clare McGhan director of field services for the arm Bureau announces Chandler replaces Russ Hepler who has moved to the arm Bureau group health insurance program Chandler was formerly the executive secretary for River side County arm Bureau a post rench arc great for dandelions for everything from salads wine Peasants also use them in sandwiches Here's how: Use STEER MANURE 2 CU BAGS Burpee two large boxes of his American Marigolds known as the riendship lower to Ameri can Ambassador Douglas MacAr thur II in Tokyo with the sugges tion that these might be present bed to the Emperor of Japan "as hja slight token of the friendship of the American people for the kl people of TY mJJ iv i i JJGStLl LJllik 1 It Jj (leading authorities on the develop ment of new vegetables and flow ers is travelling halfway around the world to study the latest tech niques used by Japanese horti culturists in plant hybridizing and seed production The Jap anese have been recognized for many years for their outstanding 1 achievements in this field Bur I nee is the nioneer of hvbrid vaw tables for America's home gar bdens Prior to his departure from the United States pressed PURE DICHONDRA SEED GERMINATION 97 9999 PURITY 1 lb covers 1000 sq ft betan border in northwest China Holton sold the rare seed to Bur pee who developed it for Ameri ca's home gardeners Burpee recently registered as a lobbyist with tlie United States Congress to actively support American Marigolds the riend ship lowers as the national floral emblem of the UnitoH Burpee is president of the talcs Atlee Burpee Seed Company of Vi a 4 11 VC1U sialll finely chopped very young dan rinsed tasty morsel they say (This I did not test) cameras Supplies Jletail U'Jioleinlti' 24 HOUfif SERVICE WE OPfcRATEOUR OWN LABORATORY 901 4th Rear A MOST LUNVCNICN I I DOWNSTAIRS I LAVATORY Summer is the hardest time for lawns They get greater use and more abuse than at any oth er time The secret of attractive lawns is simple regular care to keep grass growing well Proper mowing is a major factor Too often mowing' is a rushed routine that does more harm than good Warm weather calls for adjustment in cutting height and frequency Let these green thumb rules guide you: requency of mowihg should be determined by the growth rate You'll need fewer mowings in hot dry weather Grass Wilts Too When summer heal begins wilt you cut sun Wait prevent scorched grass Never remove more than third of the leaf area at time The leaf blade acts stomach for the grass It verts raw materials into tissue Constant close mowing re duces the food building surface and sets grass back On uneven ground raise your cut to avoid scalping the lawn Most reel or mowers lean be adjusted easily A height I of 2 or 2 inches in sumer I tLUIltllllllUUU vitcin lIHO till ruler on first hand what dramatic new things are being done in plant research and seed Burpee said Burpee will visit several of Ja pan's agricultural experiment sta tions as well as the trial the seed laboratories of several seed firms headed by friends He will be accompanied by Carter Holton a Burpee executive who as a former mis sionary discovered the first mari gold with odorless foliage while air ex scrving at his mission on the Ti SPRAYS? OVER ENTIRE AREATRUE ORAISE? BOUGAINVILLEA 4 COLORS TO CHOOSE ROM III Gal Cans Excel lent vine or cover or Bank Reg 125 Let Clippings Lie Summer fertilizing with non dry I or more i bic a slice of dark brown bread alloiv iooted vieeds a slice of white for each sand RiiHar nnnnrnticlv with I delion leaves which have been types of plant food pro Honors Newspaper Garden Columnist WEEK END SPECIALS! 14121 So Newport Ave Tustin Open 8 AM to 5:30 PM LI 4 0056 Open SundayClosed Thursday uivitfluvu ui JUY many fnends ln country to see at he held for a number of vears A 850 lb SAUNDERS ARM GARDEN STORE 1st Sycamore Santa Ana Ground covers can be used ef fectively for lawn substitutes ac cording tn lhe California Associa tion of Nurserymen Where soil conditions weather or terrain is a factor unfavorable in growing or caring for a lawn the choice in ground covers offers great va riety in color (both of foilage and flower) habit of growth and climatic adaptability Since the varieties include woody decidu ous as well as evergreen plants vines perennials and even succu the surest to consult your to which ground to your particular need No wonder wild strawberry is very popular where a flat more or less even effect is desired for the ground cover Economically obtainable in flats wild straw berry will spread rapidly by run ners to make a thick low mat of lush dark green foilage An occasional bright red leaf adds interest as do one inch white flowers in spring followed by small bright red berries (In 'set infhimrn rnnL 1 1 xk kuiu mere is coniptfiisauun Ihia chmu Tkd PAfrie HiniiAC IhrniicrhcHif fair Htionn siriti tor's Garden Editor one of the contestants were dressed Hawai Pk jRsL iOlC 52t 2i1 Rg feSk 48 Mr isasaMMMi ta 3 Tb 313 ROSf? KI 13915 0 1.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.