-mo Houses for Rent 49 8DRM CAPE COD, remodeled, $450 pointed, carpeted. car gor, ALSO, 2 bdrm. duplex, 2nd, $340 incl. Petless. 748-2786.
Mobile Homes 50 KIRKWOOD 1 lg. living newly remodeled, $200 security util, no pets, 775-5261. MOBILE HOME 3 appliances, carport, covered patio, shed, set up in nice park, utilities, option to buy, no pets, references required. 642-8709. MOBILE HOME With all utilities except electric.
Security, no pets. 862-9268. 51 ENDICOTT, 2010 Watson Blvd. cO garage, electricity. Negotiable.
Security. 785-7091. GARAGE Endicott, Ideal localion, on 17C, 2 bays, 3 car capacity, office compressor available. $325 util. 754-4390.
52 APRIL '84 AVAILABILITY Central 11,000 sq.ft., carpeted, heated. $2.75 per sq.ft. Serviced by 2 elevators, 2 stairways, restrooms. Tenant pays electric, air c6fid. Will divide.
724-1377. BASEMENT 2500 sq. ft. Any logical. use, (a $1.50 sq.ft., heated.
Central Bing. 724-1377. BASEMENT 2500 sq. ft. Any logical use, $1.50 sq.ft., heated.
Central Bing. 724-1377. BINGHAMTON Central 2-3 rooms, new carpeting, all utilities. Modern. $275.
Equipped: $325. 724-1377. BINGHAMTON Central 2-3 rooms, new carpeting, all utilities. Modern. $275.
Equipped: $325. 724-1377. ENDICOTT (Union) Post Office building, 1 2 room store or office, utilities. Inquire: 748-8515. IDEAL I MEDICAL FACILITY or retail space with tremendous storage areas.
Modern bidg. in the heart of downtown Johnson City. 729- 6100. J.C. COMMERCIAL BUILDING SUITABLE FOR beauty small business venture.
797-0714. MODERN DOWNTOWN Office suites, all services, utilities, 315 and 488 sq. 723-9581. I OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE MANY LOCATIONS PHIL FEINBERG, 772-1777 RETAIL AND office space. Free parking.
Low rates. Convenient location. Endicott store front or office space for rent. Call 785-9620. Prop.
53 BINGHAMTON Garage, body shop, etc. concrete floor, 12X12 door. 798-7278. BUILDINGS AVAILABLE JOHNSON CITY 35,000 SQ.FT. CHENANGO ST.
10,600 SQ.FT. BINGHAMTON 8,000 SQ.FT. ENDWELL 7,500 SQ.FT. Others PHIL FEINBERG772-1777 ENDICOTT Retail Store or office space for rent, 25 Washington 754-9898. FOR LEASE 2700 SQ.
FT, zoned general business, corner Day HolJow. Rd. 17C, Owego. Adjacent to Owego IBM plant. Cantact Keith Hackley, at 754-7900, or 687-5664.
PLAZA 5 2,700 sq. Prime retail location, next to New CVS. Call ARA 722-1136, 11-3 p.m. REAR Binghamton Plaza. 12,800 sq.
ft. $2.00 per square. C. Tobia, 723-6449. Wanted to Rent 56 AAA.
LANDLORDS: Exclusive rental service. Free. Results. Sylvia Curatolo, Broker, 722-2138 EAST SIDE OR CENTRAL CITY adults, approx. Including util.
724-0034, eves. FAMILY of 5 desire 3 bdrm. house on East Side Binghamton. Available April. 722-6524.
GARAGE FOR CAR Riverside Dr. area, North of Traffic. Circle, 770-8105. TWO lease, 3 bdrm. house, also outbuilding for two dairy goats.
729-5759. BMW. 2001 '72 Excellent, new parts extras, $2925. 798-2828 days, 798-2115, eves. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 70 Estate Agents 70 B.C.
30 Yrs. Continuous Custom Bldg. in Triple Cities. Will build your lot -or ours. 2309 North Endicott, NY 13760.
For appointment 754- -8330 or 748-3225. 10 Year H.OW. Warranty Thorne Realtors 722-1122 NEW HOMES Hers 9.75% FIXED RATE YEAR MORTGAGE STATE OF NEW YORK -VD MORTGAGE AUTHORITY Homes From $54,900 CORP. BUILDER 648-4155 Apalachin 74 BY OWNER 3 2 story, nice kitchen, separate dining area, -specious carpeted living rm. large fenced yard, asking 687-5467 after 4 p.m.
Binghamton 75 BRAND NEW LISTING 2 story, completely reu modeled, new roof, wiring. 2 full is baths and more. $33,900. NORA DAVIS, Realtor, 748-3303 A WEST SIDE Owner small down, mod. handy area.
car. $48,000. Chernoski, Realtor, 729-0644. HARD TO FIND RANCH Great West Side area. Brick 5 rooms, tiled bath, fireplace, oak floors, attached garage, full basement, modern gas.
heat, sliding othermal doors from dinette to patio and garden. Settle $67,000. For appointment Manly, Kay D. Sprout, Broker, 722- 6814 or Thelma Decker, SalesperSon, 729-0184. Lynch Realtors 772-1144 Binghamton 75 AWAITING YOU West Side 2 story, 3.
bath, new roof, new furnace, alum. sided, fireplaced entry, hardwood floors, great storage. Close to everything. How about your family decorating this? First time offered to SELL at $59,500. Don't wait.
R. PRANK Real Estate 722-6474 648-6290 A WEST SIDE BEAUTY! ELEGANT FRENCH COLONIAL Architectural gem. Picturesque setting, Just off Riverside Dr. Professionally decorated. Ideal restdance for VIP family.
$160,000. Owner, 772-0569 or 724-5390. BE READY THIS SPRING to enjoy this private fenced yard and your own neat 2 berm Cape Cod. Low maintenance and utility bills. Room to expand, new roof and furnace, $38,500.
MADELINE B. MANGAN REALTOR 722-2938 CONVENIENCE INCOME In this architecturally interesting Victorian in desirable South area just a short walk to downtown business, government and entertainment center of Southern Tier. 3 units, spacious rooms, separate utilities, gas heat, oak floors, 2 car garage, $75,000. For appt. 724- only salesperson, Joan Zayac, 8774 or Joy Copwell, 798-9241.
Mike Lynch Realtors 772-1144 GET INVOLVED HERE SOUTHWEST. Beautiful brick -split level with 3 barms, spacious fam. with fireplace, beamed ceiling kitchen dining room. Hobby room in lower level opens to super yard with inground pool, covered patio and natural privacy. $82,000.
MADELINE B. MANGAN REALTOR 722-2938 INSTANT RELIEF for growing pains. 14 yr. old aluminum sided home with 1st floor fam. Country kit, 4 or 5 bdrins on a large double lot.
$39,900. CENTURY 21 Baker Meade, Realtors, 723-8946 NEW LISTING ELOQUENT COLONIAL Spilt entry, 2 baths, fam. rm. with fireplace, dining, Florida ceiling, 3 energy conscious, 5 yrs. old, maintenance free, wooded lot, private street.
$91,500. 722-4059. "NEW LISTING" 2913 Well maintained 2 family (4-4) both units have 2 bath, separate utilities, stoves refrigerators included. Convenient location. Priced right at $33,900.
Advantage Gruver Realty Realtor 723-7551 SOUTH SIDE 2 3 bdrms, 1st, fenced yd, 2 car by owner, $49,000. 724-5047. THREE BDRM. SINGLE, near North High. Gas heat.
Low taxes. For appt. call Clifford R. Thomas, Real Estate Broker, 723-6183. WEST SIDE CEDAR Remodeled move-in conditin, versatile living: home, income, professional office.
Covered patio, down, interest. total, gross. $44,900. SECURITY REALTY, 773-8444 27 BLANCHARD AVE. Located in a family neighborhood, lovely 3 bedroom, 2 story home with new kitchen, oak floors, newly decorated, low taxes.
ARM available. $40's. 724-9103, 772-8374. Conklin 78 OPEN HOUSE 1-3 SUNDAYS 45 Leslie Ave. Dir: Conklin Rd.
to Little White Church, left on Eva Court to Leslie. If your looking to buy this spring, compare this 3 barm. cape on 215' deep lot to anything on the market. New bath, custom kitchen with extras, sliding doors to private 16' deck, quality carpet, 22' family room new insulation, gas heat. Owner 775-0278 anytime.
Mid $50's. Endicott 79 DUPLEX 3x With garage, good size rooms, $49,500. MITCHELL REALTOR, 748-7333 Readership is what you get when you place your ad in the Classlfied section of your newspaper. And readership means results! Call 798-1141. YOUR KEY TO HOUSING FOR OVER 20 YEARS HUTTLESTON 754-6844 HOMES REALTOR LOCATION, LOCATION Newly renovated 3 bath near Enjoie Golf Course.
Alum. siding, fam. room all new beautiful. $60's. 748-7428 after 5.
OLD NEWARK VALLEY ROAD Lovely 3 rec room, owner finance. Allio Broker, 785-0642. Endwell 80 ASSUMABLE mortgage, modern, carpeted, 3 2 baths, kitchen with built-ins, maintenance free exterior. See it todayMake us an offer. WOZNIAK REAL ESTATE 797-6172 REALTOR 797-0787 COZY 3 bdrm.
home with garage apartment, aluminum sided, nice residential neighborhood. By owner. $68,500. 785-7943. WHISPERING HILLS ESTATES Hillside Terrace, Endwell.
Large selection of lots for spring custom home building. $69,900 and up. PRUYNE BUILDERS, 748- 4921. Johnson City 82 NEW LISTING Near Wilson. 2 story, big kitchen, 2 car garage, patio.
$49,900. Large VA mortgage. Asking For appt. only broker, 722-0864. SAMUEL'S REALTY, Realtor Low $60's.
(M98). FIORI IN INVEST YOUR 724-3248 FUTURE 748-7455 Kirkwood 83 JUST REDUCED! 1983 Commodore mobile home, $1900 balance. 775-1005. TRIPLEX NEWER 2 bdrms. each, carpeting, appliances, all separate electric heating, almost 1 acre.
Live-in one, rent other 2, your monthly mortgage cost $83.06, Total cash required $4177.66, 30 yrs. Brand new on market today- Morningside Heights 84 BRICK IS BEAUTIFUL See this sparkling: 2 bedroom brick ranch with cozy fireplace, first floor den and spacious rec room. $67,900. Jean Coolbaugh REALTOR 723-8261 BRICK RANCH Large manicured yard, 2 car garage, $49,900. For appt.
722- 8540 or 724-4058 or call REALTOR: EDWARD FARTHING -723-8359- Owego 86 BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED 2 story, colonial, 4-5 bdrms, 3 baths, 5 formal liv. rm. din. remodeled kit, JennAire range, dishwasher, compactor, situated on very private acres. $84,900.
Peter Elites REAL ESTATE 754-7755, 754-4423, 687-3444 Owego. 86 1ST TIME OFFERED CAPE COD in Village, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining room, 2 car garage with loft and screened porch overlooking yard with flowers and fireploce, must be seen, asking $51,900. O. R. Realty 408 E.
Main 748-7306 Owego Treadway Inn, 687-4433 1166 Front 724-4321 Port Dickinson 87 ONE STORY Brick low maintenance, 2 borme, HIll Realty, 724-3743. Sunrise Terrace 88 "LARGE FAMILY HOME" 2903 5 barm. Brick exterior story, baths, carpeting drapes throughout, formal dining room, large kitchen with built-ins, rec room, 2 car garage, tree shaded lot, listed in $80's. Advantage Gruver Really Realtor 723-7551 Vestal 89 AAAA BRICK STONE bdrm. ranch, knotty pine family room, fireplace, in living room, patio overlooking large lot.
Large FHA assumable. Priced at $69,900. NORA DAVIS, Realtor, 748-3303 ADVANTAGE ANN SCHLEGEL 785-3348 A 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME -Small barn, 13 acres, pond, peaceful setting. Possible financing. $50,000.
748-4093. BY OWNER Prestigous Lynnhurst bdrm. Colonial, walkout basement baths, $134,000. 797-7787. DOUBLE LOT 2 eat-in kitchen, dining room, 2 enclosed porches, newer furnace, baths, In the $30's.
For appt. only. Kristin O'Rourke, 785-7828. PURTELL REALTY, 625-2583 FOUR Bedroom Colonial Ready for spring delivery. HARRISON BUILDERS, 723-1441 IMPERIAL WOODS, 3 barm.
brick spilt entry with walkout basement, $89,500. Owner, 748-8152. LAND- 9.75 acres 24x36 foundation $17,500, $3500 down balace at 717-623-3259. LARGE TWIN Modern side by side, 3 bdrm each, with brick alum exterior, double $70's. garage, and separate utilities: REALTY Smith O'Hara 729-9204 SECLUDED home, barn 10 acres, $47,000, $10,000 down interest for 20 yrs.
717-623-3259. Suburban 90 AAAA JUST REDUCED 2 family with bungalow, nice lot. Low taxes. Good rental possibilities. Priced to sell fast at $30,000.
NORA DAVIS, Realtor, 748-3303 A1 GREENE'S QUALITY HOMES FRESHLY REDONE Village. 3 bath home to surprise delight you. Sep. living, dining family rooms. Appreciating area.
$38,000. 656-4742 BY OWNER 3 2 story home, Plus acreage. Must sell! 757-0286, after 6 p.m. "FATHER'S DAY-Set your hammock in this full acre yard. 3 ranch with charming, cathedral ceilings, 3 yrs.
youn. Call for details. NEW LISTING Just 10 minutes from Greene, God's little 19 acres in the center of a small country town. Built in 1874 this Georgian Colonial is listed in the National Archives. $69,900.
NEW LISTING A tremendous buy if you don't mind a little driveSharp 3 bdrms, modern kitchen, low taxes, and a small asking price making it affordable to drive 30- 45 minutes. to business. Only $33,900. LAND CONTRACT Nearly 2 acres, 4 den, fireplace, baths, very pretty setting. $49,900.
Minutes from IBM Glendale. OPEN 'TIL 8 P.M. We Get It HOME AGENCY Endwell. 785-3377 Vestal 748-7348 GREENE: Rustic home, set on 5 acres, 3 fireplace in living full lower level, horse barn, near over 2,000 acres state land. $54,500.
TYDING REAL ESTATE, 656-4700. MFG HOME, 81 Liberty, air northern pkg, alum. sided, 3 bdrm, baths, wood burner, Peaked roof, elec. Asking $24,000. Lot rental $69 mon.
Jo Potochniak, REALTOR, 785-7575 TRADITIONAL DELIGHT 3 bdrm. Cape Cod nestled on 6 acres of beautiful land. Small orchard and creek highlights this property. Enclosed sunporch, greenhouse, hardwood floors throughout, all this and much, much more. $50,000.
Timberline Real Estate Free List 717-553-2277 THINK OF CLASSIFIED When you need to buy, rent, sell or whatever your wish may bell Our office is open 6 days a week Monday through Friday from a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Place an ad In both papers, Cell 790-1141.
WE DARE YOU To lead the quiet casual life. Luxury home on private acreage of pork like beauty, Cathedral ceiling in liv. large built in kit, bdrms, huge unique setting with pond, offers year round enjoyment. 3148. ADVANTAGE REALTY Rupe Konecny, Realtor, 754-4500 5 BEDROOM, white colonial style, 2 story home.
Central entry hall with curved staircase. Spacious 2 acre lot. Tastefully decorated. Energy efficient heat, plus a fireplace. Attached garage.
Located south of Whitney Point, 15 miles to Binghamton. Asking $68,400. DECKER REAL ESTATE, Whitney Point, 692-3665. Houses Wanted 92 LOOKING TO BUY HOUSE Very good condition. Binghamton, west or southwest, from owner.
Up to $65,000. Minimum requiremanta: 3 den, bathe, garage. 772-6244, 773- 8098. QUALIFIED BUYER Looking For Newer Home Country setting on 5 or more wooded acres within 15- 20 minutes from IBM Glendale. Call Diane Zunic, 754-5213.
BANKER GEORGET DECKER REAL ESTATE LARGE SINGLE OR MULTIPLE, paying cash. Will make repairs. Allen Strawn, 748-9364, 797-6951. Lots Acreage 93 100 ACRES plus 30x60" barn, two ponds, fields woods. Daughtery Allio Broker, 785-0642.
ENDWELL Light industry. acres, good location, financing. IN-TOWN REALTY, 754-3171 LOTS (2) Vestal, top area, big frontage, wooded, all utilities. Very private. Broker, 785-1067.
MOORE AVE. Off Hamton Road. Exclusive. Utilities. Any size.
$10,900 and up. Also Vestal. Owner, 724-1377, 772-8374. OWEGO 8 miles out, 10 acres, cleared, Blacktop road, $9,000. Baldwin Realty, 785-4889 PRIME VESTAL LOCATION Zoned 5 units, $32,500.
with nancing available. 797-5597. WHAT A LOT! Commercially zoned and conveniently located close to town on RI. 26N. $8,900.
Call today for more REALTY thomas sbarra's Real Estate Store 748-3321 $50 REWARD For information resuiting in purchase of 4-15 acres land, 8 mi. radius Bing. JC or CF schools preferred. 798-0681. 60 ACRES about 15 acres wooded, a large barn with 2 car attached garage, 2 silos, big pole barn, buildings in good condition, $65,000.
8 ACRES About 3 acres open meadow, the rest wooded, $6,500. 16 ACRES Open meadow and woods, $12,500. Or 29 Acres, a small pond, some woods, $25,000. 280 ACRES Can divide, acre. 20 ACRES, $16,000.
HIGH TRAFFIC, PARKING Robert A. Mead. Inc. Investment Real Estate, 754-5990 Investment Property 95 INCOME PROPERTY SEMINAR MARCH 17TH Capital income Property buyers only. PAUL F.
TSCHOPP Complete Professional Service 772-6211, for details INVESTOR looking for houses, or. commercial property. Buying 1st mortgages, 724-6996. MONTROSE in the heart of town, brick building with 4 apartments and 1 store, good income, good potential, owner financing. $85,000 Information to qualified Realtor 722-8539 APARTMENT COMPLEX, 36 Units, 5 years old.
ALSO AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL. (813) 482- 7900. Mobile Homes 99 AAA CONDITION Wanted to buy 12 60 or larger mobile home. cash. 754-8437.
FLEETWOOD, 1974 2 set-up in Windsor park, large shed. $6500. 655-1670. FLEA MARKET 3 LINES 3 DAYS $3 00 CARSEAT-STROLEE ROLL TOP DESK- Oak, painted $25.00 black, $75. Phone 748-9628.
(717)663-2456 KITCHEN SET- metal table, formi- TEAC 1230 REEL-TO-REEL TAPE ca top, chairs have replaceable DECK- Looks, runs new. $75.00. seats backs. $50. 748-9628.
724-8319. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: 1. Only one item may be advertised per ad. 2. The advertised item must be $100 or under.
3. The price of the item must appear in the ad. 4. Add $1 for each additional line 5. Payment must accompany the coupon or phone in your ad and mail in pre-payment or come in person.
6. Non Commercial Advertisers Only. 7. Hol. count as Combination (Both Papers).
Send order to: CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT The THE BINGHAMTON PRESS CO. VESTAL BINGHAMTON, N.Y. 13902 FLEAMARKET Please insert the following Classified ad in the FLEA MARKET, PRINT CLEARLY, ONE WORD PER SPACE COST $3.00 $4.00 Payment must accompany order. Make check or money order payable to: Binghamton Press Co. Inc.
Enclosed is check or money order for $. NAME ADDRESS. CITY STATE. 90 Mobile Homes 99 IT WOULD BE a pleasure to live in this immaculate 1982 Hallmark. This home offers 2 bdrms, a very pleasing decor, and an assumable mortgage.
Situated in a park, it is being offered at $17,500. CENTURY 21 PERKINS, STEIN, STUART, 772-1151 METAMORA, 1976 14x56, 2 newly remodeled kitchen, large rental lot. 722-3984 after 6. MOBILE HOME, 1970 12x50, 2 borms. Call 754-6513 NEW USED HOMES Rent, buy or rent with option, Edison Mobile Homes, Edison Maine, NY, 1 block off RI.
26. 862-9268. N.Y. Licensed Insured Moving Stateline Mobile Homes 607-775-3566 PARKWAY MOBILE HOMES, 790 Conklin 772-9500. All 1984 SKYLINE Models in stock.
Prices to suit everyones needs. N.Y.State Transporter. PRIDE ESTATES 60X12, 2 bedrooms, awning, skirting, shed, 275 gallon oil tank, reasonable, Terms. Set up-Port Crane Park. CASTLE TRAILER SALES, 724-7989.
TITAN, 1977 Double Wide 24'x48', wall to wall carpeting, appliances included. Must be moved. Asking $17,500. 4p.m., 717-553-2720; altar 4, 607- 754-1069. 12 64, owner, Delta, furnished, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, front liv.
rm, perfect condition, Bridge braced awning. Skirting, shed. Set up on spacious lot in Kintner Estates. $12,500, best offer. Owner leaving state.
748-9233. FINANCIAL 112 Money to Loan 112 AAA ACTION SERVICE and rates on 1st 2nd mortgages. Consolidate bills, repair, remodel. FAIRVIEW MORTGAGE 1-849-3698. ACTION ANSWERS FAST Mortgages, 1st, 2nd contracts Bought SOLD Placed NICK SBARRA, REALTOR, 754-7120 SECOND MORTGAGES APPLY BY PHONE TERMS 15 YRS.
LOWEST RATES AVAILABLE Debt consolidations Home improvements Business For any worthwhile purpose EMPIRE BUSINESS FUNDS 201-546-2211 SELF LIQUIDATING BUSINESS LOANS Certificate of Deposit financing program PAY INTEREST ONLY fully collateralized with our 3rd party CDs HORIZON CAPITAL 729-6391 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 121 Business Opportunities 121 CAR WASH Gas station in heavy traffic Binghamton area. Be in business for yourself. Great location. Owner may help in financing. Call today $75,000.
729-5213. TURN YOUR TIME INTO MONEY! 3 profitable video gamerooms. Great plaza locations growing every month. Buy 1,2 or 3. Call for details.
729-5213. COLDWeLL BANKeR GEORGE T. DECKER REAL ESTATE FARM HARDWARE Plumbing Electrical Business For Sale. 1-717-925-6939 LONG ESTABLISHED appliance and furniture outfit. Building can be leased or purchased.
REAL ESTATE UNLIMITED REALTOR, HARBACHUK, 797-5885 Cash investor seeking to buy business, inventory, or real estate. Box 3854, This Newspaper. TAVERN RESTAURANT Established over 10 years. Excellent traffic-industrial area. Steady trade.
Owner financing available. Call 775-5167 after 8.p.m. UPPER COURT ST. Fully Equipped Kitchen for. take out.
service. Lease. p.m. Business to Business 122 DO YOU NEED LEADS? Telecomputer time sharing guarantees sales leads. 729-0466 anytime.
Household Goods 185 AA America's Attic can sell your used furniture fast. Free Marlene, 798- 0084. ALL USED MAJOR APPLIANCES -BOUGHT Sold. Guaranteed. Delivery.
Beer Taps too. Heating, 729-2296. APT. SIZE Kitchen table and 2 chairs. New condition.
$125. 625-3376. BEDROOM SUITE Complete, solid cherry, twin beds, 5 asking $1200. 3 Colonial bar stools, $60; player piano, $500. 625-2778.
BEDS -Twin size, full size; dishes, glasses, clothes, books, cassette tape player, 23 ch. CB, toys, etc. 798-8861, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Mon.Thurs., after 3 weekends. BED Twin, complete, $60; China Closet, $65; magazine rack, $15, berm, suit, $125, 748-3845. BLANKET CHEST $25; 6 dining rm.
chairs, $60; Wardrobe, $70; pair nightstands, $30; 748-3845. BROWN SECTIONAL Queen sleeper and ottoman. $700 firm. 772-0354 or 724-3854. CEDAR CHEST Solid Cedar, brass fixtures, very nice, over 60 years old, $145.
723-6744. CERAMIC TILE- -MARBLE- SLATE KITCHENS INTERNATIONAL 20B GRAND J.C. 729-4154 COUCH MUST SELL Moving. Excellent condition. Only months old.
$600. 729-4209. COLOR REMOTE CONTROL Console TV, like new, $350 firm. 772-1504 after 5pm. COMBINATION Refrigerator, and deep freeze, large, excellent condition, $150.
648-6640. COMPLETE LIVING ROOM Sofa, loveseat, chair, 2 end tables, coffee table storage benches, bar stools, butcher block plaid. $900, make offer. 722-2525. CONTEMPORARY SOFA Matching chair, Herculon fabric in earth tone colors, $275.
729-1213. CONTEMPORARY Dinette, upholstered chairs, tabie, $375. Loose pillow back sofa, Navy Blue Print. Chair, ottoman, Excellent. 748- 9291.
COUCH AND CHAIR Maple, 50 years old. Appraised $150, Take $125. 722-6229. COUCH Brown Naugahyde, like $400; Naugahyde chair, brown like new $185; green loveseat recliner vibrator, excellent, $400. 754-4555 days.
COUCH, CHAIR, OTTOMAN, LAMP AND END TABLE $225 or best offer. 754-7519. COUCH, Early American, Orange floral; and tweed chair. Excellent. $200.
797-3947 after 4 p.m.. CRAFTMATIC TWIN Automatic, adjustable, vibrating bed. Like new. $400. 656-8203.
DESK Butler style, Empire Period, over 100 years old, very large, $175. 723-6744. DESKS from $79; kitchen sets from $59; round coffee table, $49; dressers from $49. All tools, postcards, china and glass Price, STEDMAN'S Used Furniture Antiques, 122 W. Main, Endicott, 754-1335.
DINING ROOM SET Light wood, 8 pieces: 5 chairs, china closet buffet. $350, neg. 797-5693. DINING ROOM SUITE Maple, chairs, hutch, oval table, $350. 723-1948, 722-3066.
DINING ROOM, Dark Pine, trestle table, Windsor style chairs, $1100 new, $700 or Best offer. 729-3060, after 6. DRYER Gas and electric, Speedqueen, 15 years old, $50. 724-1014 between 6 10 p.m. Household Goods 185 ELECTRIC RANGE Frigidaire, excellent.
ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER, Frigidaire, Like new. CARVER'S, 723-6455, 135 Washington Binghamton. FULL SIZE BED Complete. $100. Magic Chef Microwave, like now condition, asking $260.
722- 7142. GE 19" COLOR TELEVISION table model, remote control $275. 724-6203. 3.E. DRYER, electric, like new, used 6 offer: 21 cu.ft.
upright Freezer, Rich Plan, like new, used 1 yr. offer. 722-1394 evenings. HARDWICK STOVE Gas, beige, 8 months old $350 723-1833 HOME OWNERS TENANTS -Protect your home loved ones from fire burglary, call see how affordable your own home security system can be. Call today.
TOWN COUNTRY SECURITY, 748- 2034. KENMORE SEWING MACHINEextras, in cabinet, $125. Stereo System, speakers, $50. 754-9093 after 1 p.m. KITCHEN SET Oval woodgrain, formica top, 4 chairs, Good condition.
$125. 748-9716. LIVING ROOM SUITE 5 piece, 3 matching walnut end tables, excellent condition, $395. 775-0356. LIVING ROOM SUITE, $325, double bed, $50; single bed, $20, stove, $20, Chevy rims, 16.5, 2 for $15.
729-5330. LIVING ROOM SUITE 2 green. Very good condition. Asking $125. 798-9263.
LIVING ROOM SET 3 excellent condition. Brown and tan plaid velour. $500. Light pine dining room table, 4 chairs, excellent condition. $300.
722-6595. LIVING ROOM SUIT Contemporary, off white, used 1 year, new $2,500. Sell $1,000. 775-2094. BEDROOM, Maple king sized bed, Bookcase headboard, double dresser with mirror, sheets, bedspread.
$275. Good condition. 772-8014. Electric Range, white. Solid wood lamp table.
and end tables. 724-6404. MOVING SALE Everything must go! Household, furniture, large variety. Call 729-6795. OLUM'S OUTLETS 126 Clinton Binghamton Open Save on new used furniture Damaged goods, trade-ins Convenient terms, 722-1498.
RCA COLOR T.V. Portable, excellent condition. Must sell. $125. 724-2531.
REFRIGERATOR Gold. 14 cu. in. $200. Used 1 year; Hoover Concept one vacuum, Excellent cond.
$65; 5 piece bdrm. set. $500. 754-8336 after 5. REFRIGERATOR 14 cu.
2 $175. Warranty. EAST END REFRIGERATOR, 128 Robinson 724-4787. REFRIGERATOR, White, 15 Cubic foot, $175. Gas range, White, $175.
798-9215. REFRIGERATOR, $180; Stove $60; dryer, $60; Washer, $200. 723- 6266, 723-6513. REFRIGERATOR, 19 cu.ft., $400; dehumidifier, $70; Whirlpool $250; Forberware convection oven, $50. 798-9941.
REFRIGERATOR GE, 13 cu.ft., $125. Excellent condition. Call 797-9588. RUGS Orientals, New Used. Excellent.
Reasonable. 722-4908 evenings week-ends. RUGS 9x12, $72; 12x12, $96; 12x15, $120. Also Oriental and wall to wall sold directly from my home. No overhead.
JOE RENDA, 748-9393, 6 Seward Ave, Endwell, Daily 12 RUGS (2), 11x12, 11x13, bound, off white shag, tan sculptured, $80 each. 785-7046. RUSTIC PINE Living Room furniture, 7 pieces, 3 months old, $425. 797-9257 after 5 p.m. SOFA Blue print, new.
$300 TRUNDLE BED $100. 754-3734. LOVE SEAT stripe. $300; Walnut stereo console, $75. 729-0551.
USED REFRIGERATORS Washers, dryers, range. WOLFINGER's, Northgate Plaza, 723-6303. USED VACUUM CLEANERS $14.95 and up. Binghamton Kirby 281 Front St. VICTORIAN LOVESEAT $700; oriental lamp, $50; round lamp table, circa 1930', $175; oak butfet, slate top, $200; chair $150; canvas rocker $40; foot table, $25; cherry secretary, $400; 23 pc.
Noritake china, $300; oak hall tree, $200; elec. barber chair, $350; Kenwood stereo, turntable with speakers, $300. 797-1571. WATERBED With baffled mattress. Stained Lacquered.
Pine frame with headboard, and pedestal platform. $199 complete. Bookcase also available. 729-0292, Vestal. WATERBEDS-MANY STYLES Excellent quality.
Low prices. Wooden frame or softside Bdrm. Sets 6 drawer pedestals Dreamboat Waterbeds. 775-4231. WHIRLPOOL Washer Dryer.
$200. Gas Stove 21" Apartment size, $60. Other items 722-0574. OFF CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES Antique satins, sheers, satin brocades. 748-7264.
1930'S DINING ROOM SET China closet, buffet, table, chairs. Excellent condition. $650. 729-6332. Equipment 186 AKAI 4 track reel to reel, Model GX 635D, 3 motor direct Capstan drive, auto.
reverse, both way recording, glass heads, like new. offer. 723-7516 KENWOOD STEREO Cassette Tape Deck, $125. Garrard auto turntable, $20. 785-6355.
PROTON CAR never used, sacrifice $190. 754-0193 REALISTIC Turntable Direct drive, strobe light. $110. Call 723-7800 anytime. Sporting Goods 187 ALL FLOOR Models, games, tables drastically reduced.
PAUL J. HANAFIN, 757-0425. COLT AR-15 RIFLE Excellent condition. $375. 797-3495 after 5:30 p.m.
GOLF CLUBS Complete set, yrs. old, woods 1-3-4-5, irons, 3 thru 9 plus pitching wedge and putter. Excellent. $175. 748-1956.
ALL TYPE OF GUNS BOUGHT SOLD TRADED PARKE GUNS, 722-5655 HUNTER'S For bear, moose, elk, caribou, deer. States, Providences. 775-4570, 723-3626. SHOTGUN, Remington 12 gauge pump, quantity shells, cleaning rod, trius trap, $195. 748-3410.
WINCHESTER Commemorative set, 6 guns, Bi-Centennial to John Wayne, all serial 164. $9,000 Value, $6,000. 687-5093. 188 ATARI 410 Recorder, $60, excellent condition, computer software, new used on cassette, good condition, 729-2144. ATARI 400 COMPUTER with 16k Ram, cassette basic program cartridge, Asteroids game cartridge, (2) joy sticks, $250.
Call Mark, 729-2787, days, 785-6855, evenings. COLECO VISION with 2 cartridges $75. 775-3404 after 5 p.m. DISKETTES Wabash, $17, Elephant, $21, Maxell, $28. 722-1302 Video Recorder, 3 speeds, VHS format, excellent, $350.
748-2514. TRS-80 Model 11 with hard disk, 2 printers, Il data terminals, modems, extras. 797- 9428. 188 TRS80, Mod Ill Computer, 2 disks, can use as terminal, asking $1100. 798-0689.
WANTED IBM PC's (used) IBM users who want to upgrade to a new system or not getting the use out, of your PC that you thought you would. We would like to buy your used IBM PC. Call days, 607- 753-9621 or evenings 607-842-6341. Bicycles 189 AEROS CYCLERY Used Bikes Bought Sold 723-7313 BINGHAMTON 748-1631 ENDWELL Lawn Garden 190 ALLIS CHALMERS The world's finest Garden Tractors. Best deal in town! NICK'S MARINE, APALACHIN GARDEN TRACTOR- Sears 16 h.p., snow blower, wheel weights, heavy lawn roller, dump cart, 42 mower, bulldozer blade, draggs, discs, dirt plow, 3 pt.
hitch, $2375. 723-0496. JOHN DEERE, 1982 317, hydrostatic mower, blower, blade, tiller, weights, chains. Like new. Will separate.
$4995. 754-2990. TROY-BILT TILLERS BELOW FACTORY PRICES All models available, free demostrations, delivery service, Contact Homestead Equipment Co. Box 25, Fleetville, PA, 18420. 717-222-3635.
TROY BUILT TILLER, 6 hp. $750 798-0233 Miscellaneous 191 ALL AMERICAN AUCTION CO WED, FEB. 29, 7 P.M. LICENSED 797-1586 BONDED ALL NEW-USED WOOD, OIL, Gas Boilers, Furnaces, Space Heaters. COLOR TVS RCA Color Trak, excellent $200; Sony Trinatron, color, good condition.
$175. 729-2144. COMPLETE WALK-IN COOLER Approximately 10 $900 or best offer. 648-2208. GLIDDEN SPREAD SATIN SALE Spread Satin Paint White, celling, antique white, and colors, $9.99 per gallon.
Custom colors slightly higher. Sale ends March 18. off first gallon with ad. Endwell. Hardware, 3220 Watson 748-1180.
HYDRAULIC LOG SPLITTER Ward's Best, 22,000 like new. $600. 729-4872. MEAT SLICER $925. 2-man chain SAW- $75, Empire Sofa, $100, dump truck, $995, Compound Bow, Arrows $125, Freezer, $150, Monroe calculator, $50; Shot gun $75, 14' Step Ladder, $125, Much more.
All excellent. 797-0334. MINOLTA COPIER with paper, good working condition, asking $350. 723-9385 8-6 p.m. MICRO FISCHE Two page reader, $250 Stacconi Equipment, 748-2185 PENN WALKIN COOLER 12x6 with floor.
Refrigeration extra. Days, 729-6800, Evenings, 797-5693. SCOTSMAN ICE MACHINE (2) Flaker with 1,000 lb. bin, Days, 729-6800, Evenings, 797-5693. SEARS best electric typewriter, used approx.
8 hrs. $250 or best offer. 729-2930, 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. SEARS 4X8 POOL TABLE Perfect condition. All accessories included.
$250. After 6. 648-9973. Flower Basket! 7314 by Alice Brookes Add a dramatic quilt touch to your home with this beauty! Pretty baskets of puff flowers in pretty colors all over this patch and applique quilt. Use calico scraps for the flowers.
Pattern 7314: Directions, patch patterns. quilt about $2.75 for each pattern. Add 50g each pattern for postage and handling. Send to: Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept. 22, The Evening Press, Box 163, Old Chelsea New York, NY 10113.
Print Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. YOUR NEXT CRAFT is in our NEW 1984 NEEDLECRAFT CATALOG. Over 170 varied designs, 3 free patterns. Send $2.00. ALL CRAFT BOOKS $2.50 each.
All Books and Catalog add each for postage and handling. 135-Dolls Clothes On Parade 134-14 Quick Machine Quilts 133-Fashion Home Quilting 132-Quilt Originals 131-Add a Block Quilts 130-Sweater Fashions-Sizes 38-56 128-Envelope Patchwork Quilts 127-Afghans 'n' Doilies 126-Thrifty Crafty Flowers 125-Petal Quilts 124-Easy Gifts 'n' Ornaments 123-Stitch 'n' Patch Quilts 122-Stuff 'n' Puff Quilts 120-Crochet Your Wardrobe 119-Easy Art of Flower Crochet 116-Nifty Fifty Quilts 115-Easy Art of Ripple Crochet 113-Complete Gift Book 109-Sew tissue inch) 105-Instant Crochet 101-Quilt Book Collection 1 'The Feb. 27, 1984 Miscellaneous 191. SNOWBLOWER Gilson 8 electric start, chains, used once, cost over $900 asking $700. 724-3350.
SNOWBLOWER Toro wide electric start. horsepower, $350. 748-9603. STEINER Meat and Sausage Grinder h.p., amps. AC phase 1, cycle 60, style 33.
Sausage cone, knives, etc. $150. 797-6177. TAYLOR 34TF Soft serve, twist head ice cream machine, excellent condition. 849-6772.
VACUUM CLEANERS Eureka, Hoover, canisters with attachments, $35 ea. Hoover portablecleaning $50. 775-4739, 6-9. WANTED: Used jewelry cases or showcases 754-0886 WATERFORD CRYSTAL Chandelier; Lowery Pagent Organ. Both excellent condition.
722-8566. WEDDING GOWN Ivory, short sleeve, unique styling, size 9, never worn. $225. 754-5393. WELDERS New Lincoln 225 $162.
Air products Smith welding cutting outfits, $230 up. VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY, 723-7523. 17 Inch Cultured Pearl Necklace, cost $400. Sacrifice $200. 659- 3878.
(1) 70 UNIVERSAL TOWER, selfsupporting, never used, 18" base, $800; table saw, $75; of Hiliax cable with connectors, never used, $225. 607-862-9302. 15" FIBERGLASS BOAT Motor, Trailer, $1000; Four 15" mag wheels. $250. 797-3770.
Office Supplies 192 PHOTOCOPIER Sharp 770. Excellent condition, must sell. offer. 648-9442. Antiques 193 ALICE MINOIA FINE Antiques.
AlwaysBuying Selling, 72 North Owego. 687-4746. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING Of Heritage Antiques. Carrying country and general line in glassware, primitives and refinished furniture. By 748-0712.
CRANBERRY GLASS Art glass, fine china, furniture, clocks. LALLEY'S, 7N, 724-9461. FIESTAWARE 5 pc. place setting for 8, plus serving pieces. Excellent condition.
$600. 785-0649. GOOD QUALITY indoor flea market. The Emporium, Church Owego, 8-4, March 4, 687-3294. RUGS, ORIENTALS, New Used.
Excellent. Reasonable. 722-4908, evenings week-ends. Musical Instruments 195 ACCORDIAN Full size, Accorgan with organ sound, plays well, $375. 748-3410.
ALL STYLE LESSONS, Sales, Service, Organ, Piano, Guitar, Drums, Sax, Flute, Clarinet, Bass, Vocals, HOUSE OF MUSIC, 748-8223. ARRIVED NEW PRO LINE YAMAHA DRUM SETS YAMAHA DX 75 95 Keyboards Exclusively at McNEIL MUSIC VESTAL PLAZA 729-1548 ATTENTION The Korg Poly 800's have arrived at the Music Workshop in Endicott. The world's first affordable 8 voice, 64 program poly-synth with sequencer and midi interface. 785-7030, 785-2850. BENJAMIN ORGAN, 2 keyboards $750 or offers.
754-0237. CABLE Spinet Piano Used only 6 weeks. Pecan finish. Originally, $2,000, sacrifice, $1200. 754- 5968, 748-7669.
CONSOLE PIANO Excellent sound, mint, walnut, 1 year old, moving. $1150. 785-0916. DRUMS LUDWIG 4 piece set. $275.
797-0884. DRUMS 4 piece With Zildjians $300 797-0706 GRAND PIANOS Trade ins and artist used STEINWAY walnut finish BALDWIN, ebony finish CABLE walnut finish Will finance Larkin Music, 72 Court St. HAGSTROM Swede Guitar, Kustom, 200 amplifier, many accessories, excellent, $1,000. 648-5263: KROEGER Upright Piano good condition, asking $250 757-0246 PIANO Everret console, walnut contemporary, must sell, $950 cash. 724-9249.
PIANO UPRIGHT Excellent condition. $600. After 6 785-7736 REPOSSESSED PIANOS AND ORGANS Assume low monthly payments. Ask for Ray or Fred, 798-7849. STEREO AMPLIFIERS Soundcraftsman, 500 watt, $400; Randall 2-250, $250; BiAmp, 250 watt, $200; Kelsey.
12 channel mixer, $450. 797-7469. WANTED: Musicians for working progressive Country Band in Bingharton area. 717-278-4276. Boats, Bait, Supplies 197 BOAT Motor Trailer 18 hp.
Mercury, (never used), 14' Seanymph, mint condition. Separate or special package price of $1950. 798-7534. FIBERGLASS DEEP with tandem trailer, some extras. $3500.
Days, 729-6800, Evenings, 797-5693. Glassmaster, 15', 40 h.p. Johnson Electric, Holsclaw Trailer, mint condition, $2300. 754-4297. STARCRAFT 16, 60 trailer, convertible top, mooring cover, compass, radio, lots more.
$1950. firm. 775-1566 after 6 p.m. 1980-28 FT. BAYLINER CRUISER many extras, 648-8988.
Machinery Tools 201 A WANTED 2 Bottom plow, 3 pt. hitch 625-3646 after 5 p.m. INTERNATIONAL FARM TRACTOR W4, wide frontend, new rubber, excellent. $1295. 775-5186.
JD 350 DOZER Excellent shape, all angle blade, Rops Cab, offer. 723-0833. 17 3 pt. hitch, mower, $4000, good condition, trade considered, 785-5044. PLAN to ATTEND Our AUCTION, Saturday! GOODRICH AUCTION SERVICE (607)642-8688 ROCKWELL WOOD METAL MaDealer.
McKilligan Supply, 729-6511. WHITE BACKHOE LOADER Excellent shape, will consider trade. 748-4921. WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT SALE 14" band saw, $310, 6" jointer, $386, sander, $114. Drill Press, $145.
Shaper, $328. McKil-, ligan Supply, 729-6511. Seed, Plants, Fertilizer 205 HAY WANTED Make yourself a quick $25, need 25 bales feeding hay, will pickup. Owego, Mike Hellmann, 687-2609. Fuel 207 APPLE, CHERRY, OAK, MAPLE.
Seasoned 1 year. Split and delivered $100 truckload.748-9764. VARIETY HARDWOODS -Seasoned 6-12 split delivered. load (8x5x4), 849-3854. Garage Sales ENDWELL 3201 Metz MOVING SALE Everything must starting Friday.
15" Mag rims, go. Furniture, clothes, miscellahousehold items, snowsuits, coats, neous. Feb. 21-28, 7 Green dishes, baby crib, chairs. Binghamton.
Evening Press Binghamton, N. Y. 11B- Fuel 207 CLEAR Kerosene Delivered to your home in 15 or 55 gal. drum with hand pump. Ker-O-Sell, 785-5413.
SOLID FUELS Hardwood, Slabwood, in bulk quantities. 607- 563-1668; 607-829-8381. SEASONED UNSEASONED Firewood $30 face cord. 4x8x16. 655-1917.
Photography 208 CANON AE-1 Black body. with 50mm 1.8 lens and filter. $160. 724-9122, evenings. Wanted to Buy 209 AAA Any furnishings, old or new dining room, bedroom suite, stove, refrigerator, complete household.
748-9364, 797-6951. AA: Antiques -Estates Bought, Sold, Appraised, Auctioned. FARRIER IVES, 754-2277. AA ATTIC Accumulations, clocks, bought-our 17th Year. Mapes Auctioneers, 754-9193.
ALL KINDS OF QUALITY ANTIQUES WANTED. BOB SALLIE CONNELLY, 722-9593. AMERICAN FLYERS Ives, Lionel Toy Trains. Repairs done. CAFERRO'S, 607-724-9318 CASH FOR DIAMONDS Collins Lederman 82 Front 722-1725 AAA CASH FOR Furniture, appliances, tools, guns, antiques complete households.
775-4396, 723-4529. DIAMONDS, GUNS, GOLD, SILVER, Coins, Antiques, Trains, Banjos, Paintings, Pocket Watches. 729-5532. VIOLINS CELLOS One or collection, any condition, immediate payment. 798-1821 (around 6).
PETS, PET SUPPLIES 222 1776 Pets 222 ADORABLE Siamese Kittens Asking days, 798- 9218, evenings. AKC COLLIE PUPS Beautiful with excellent disposition. $100. 607- 639-2075. AKC DOBERMAN PUP Female, weeks, tail dew claws clipped, shots, sire dam on site, $125.
772-8430, after 5. AKC ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL Puppies, black white, liver white, adorable, playful, 6 weeks. $150. 754-6842: 754-2871. AKC German Shepherd Pups Adults, wormed, shots, $85 or trade.
607-639-1758. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES $75. 607-565-9467, anytime. AKC GERMAN SHEPHARD Pups, shots, wormed, $100, 607-642-8308. AKC SAMOYED Male, 2 yrs.
$150. 648-3216 AKC SPRINGER SPANIELS Liver white, Excellent hunters, family pets, loveble and extremely intelligent. $150. 1-347-. 6642, Keep trying.
AT STUD Champion Rochambeau- Terry Chester. Miniature Black Poodle. To approved bitches only. P.R.A. Clear.
724-7074. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Registered, Reds, Blues, 607-625-4185. A.K.C. Registered Lasha Apso, male, 1 year 3 and female, year 6 mos. Must be sold as a pair.
$150. each. Call' after 5 773-8348. BASSET HOUND PUPPIES AKC registered, shots wormed, $275. Perspective show females available.
After 6 p.m. 607-582-6540. BEAGLE PUP- A.K.C., male, six weeks old. $70. Contact 722-9127 M-F after BRITTANY SPANIEL PUPS AKC registered, Shots, wormed, paper, trained, $50.
798-0144. 798- 5295, eve. ADOPT A LOVING CAT Or Kitten, some altered, many to choose from. Project Paw, 127 Bevier 724-2241. DOBERMAN PINCHER Black Tan, 8 months old $125 723-1833 FREE Mixed breed dog, 1 yr.
old, needs good home to run. 785-5822. GERMAN SHEPHERDS AKC stud service Large outgoing, 785-5360 GERMAN SHEPHERD Female, 6 yrs. old, free to good home or papers. 648-3883.
GOLDEN COCKER SPANIEL 5 years old, with papers, male. Very friendly and clean. $175 to good owner. Days, 772- 6978; evenings, 724-7630. GREAT 754-0785.
MINATURE POODLE 14 months old, affectionate, good house dog, shots. PEEK-A-POOS A few left, 3 wks old, paper trained, already eating. $60. 724-9217. PERSIAN STUD Purebred.
Buff. Copper eyes. No papers. Needs grooming, $50. 607-659-7695.
PRUEBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD Dog, AKC registered, 2 yrs. old, gentle disposition, available for stud. Call 717-727-2462, 9-noon evenings. PUPPIES All Kinds Sizes Puppy Shots, Wormed ALLEN'S, 648-5246 REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL months, buff, shots, wormed, $125. 724-5023.
ROTTWEILER PUPS Also two 6 mo. males. Health guarantee. 315-822-6726. SCOTTIE AKC-8 wk.
old, male, female, black brindle, gray brindle, $175. 723-1338. SIBERIAN HUSKY AKC; Beautiful! Silver-haired, blue eyed, female, 4 months. Shots, sacrifice, $100. 669-4383, 648-5246.
STUD WANTED AKC LABRADOR. 2 to 4 year old, yellow or black, 729-1300. TOY POODLE PUPPIES AKC Registered. 6 weeks old, $150. 754-5667.
WANTED AKC puppies, will buy entire litterCall Jack at 914-343-2110. WANTED mix, toy size, reasonably priced. (717)879-2601 LIVESTOCK 228 Horses 228 BOARDING Farm of Market Endwell. Good trails. 754-3606.
HUNTER AVAILABLE On lease at Pleasant Hills Stable, Also horses for sale. Call 648-4979, Rose; 722-8678, Julie. REGISTERED HALF ARAB Gelding, 14.3 hands, 4 yrs old, green broke English. $500. 722-1699.
THORN HILL FARMS Tack Shop; open 7 days a week. Everything for horse rider, English Western. Box 151 Page Brook Chenango Forks, 648-9620, 648-9078. Farm Livestock 230 LANDRACE BOAR $100. months old.
Piglets, 9 weeks, $50 each. 693-1361. RABBITS WANTED New Zealand Whites 4-5 lbs. 785-7255, after 5 TRANSPORTATION Snowmobiles 238 ARCTIC CAT JAG 1980 Perfect $1,000. '79 Ski-Doo Citation, driven 8 times, $900; '72 Suzuki 440, $225.
Tag-along sled, $75. or as package $2,000. 797-5363..